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Inclement Weather Notice

Posted by Ron Strickland on 1/24/2013 at 10:51 PM

Each winter, we face the issues of weather. Living at the end of the world as we do, we face long drives through potentially bad conditions. We have to make decisions based on the information we have (weather.com, Highway Patrol, etc.). Decisions cannot be made on Wednesday or Thursday unless the storm coming through is massive and conditions are known to be bad.

As the Director, I have to make the final call based on the information I have. I will generally make the call after mid-day Friday so all have time to be contacted. I will post the decision on the website if it has club-wide implications.

The Carolina Region itself can cancel tournaments if they know the weather to be really bad. A little snow will not generally cancel a tournament as there is no way to make up a lost date, revenue is lost for the host as well as hotel reservations lost, etc. The decision to cancel is made only if the conditions appear to be dangerous.

http://www.carolinaregionvb.org/weatherpolicy/ is the link for the CR Inclement Weather Policy. I am guessing that decisions would be posted on the Schedules page and Points page.

Ultimately, you as parents have to make your own decision. I cannot force you to travel against your better judgement, nor will I try. I will make the decision for the club, and hope everyone can live with it.

I will always try to err on the side of caution and common sense.

Coach Strick'